AlbertaEx is a power marketing affiliate of BHE Canada based in Calgary, Alberta, with operations focused on wholesale physical electricity transactions in Alberta and across the Pacific Northwest.
Value for Alberta
- Ratepayers
Affordability: AlbertaEx is lowering utility costs for Albertan ratepayers by importing competitively priced electricity from neighbouring markets
Reliability: AlbertaEx is increasing the supply of electricity to Alberta during emergency conditions, creating a more reliable and safer electricity system for Albertans
Efficiency: By improving integration with neighbouring U.S. markets, AlbertaEx can reduce greenhouse gas emissions through real-time optimization of regional resources - Investors
Trade: Serving as a trading counterparty with regulatory expertise across multiple U.S. markets, AlbertaEx adds value by connecting Alberta’s generators to U.S. customers
Optimization: Leveraging transmission capacity, AlberatEx is directing power to demand locations, reducing energy curtailments, to the benefit of Alberta’s generators - Local economy
Economic contribution: AlbertaEx creates value from Alberta interties, creates Alberta jobs, and pays Alberta taxes
Community investment: AlbertaEx is committed to making community investments in Alberta and Montana to continue developing local economies