
AlbertaEx is a power marketing affiliate of BHE Canada based in Calgary, Alberta, with operations focused on wholesale physical electricity transactions in Alberta and across the Pacific Northwest.

What we do

AlbertaEx specializes in the import and export of electricity between Alberta and Montana, facilitating efficient energy movement to ensure Alberta consumers have access to reliable and cost-effective power. 

AlbertaEx supports the province during peak periods by providing access to broader markets and importing power from the optimal markets to stabilize supply.

AlbertaEx’s ability to export excess power helps prevent curtailments, ensuring surplus energy from AlbertaEx’s abundant generation resources can be fully utilized.

Value for Alberta

  1. Ratepayers

    Affordability: AlbertaEx is lowering utility costs for Albertan ratepayers by importing competitively priced electricity from neighbouring markets

    Reliability: AlbertaEx is increasing the supply of electricity to Alberta during emergency conditions, creating a more reliable and safer electricity system for Albertans

    Efficiency: By improving integration with neighbouring U.S. markets, AlbertaEx can reduce greenhouse gas emissions through real-time optimization of regional resources
  2. Investors

    Trade: Serving as a trading counterparty with regulatory expertise across multiple U.S. markets, AlbertaEx adds value by connecting Alberta’s generators to U.S. customers

    Leveraging transmission capacity, AlberatEx is directing power to demand locations, reducing energy curtailments, to the benefit of Alberta’s generators
  3. Local economy

    Economic contribution: AlbertaEx creates value from Alberta interties, creates Alberta jobs, and pays Alberta taxes

    Community investment: AlbertaEx is committed to making community investments in Alberta and Montana to continue developing local economies

Operating Permits

Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) Blanket Export Permit: Allowing for the export of electricity from Canada to the United States.

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Permit: Authorization to
transmit electricity from the United States to Canada.

U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Market-Based Rate (MBR) Authorization: 
Providing for the sale
of energy, capacity, and ancillary services at market-based rates to customers in the United States.


AlbertaEx is a member of WSPP and transacts power under the WSPP Agreement. WSPP Inc. is an organization of electric wholesale market entities that have developed and utilize a standardized power agreement (WSPP Agreement) to execute trading opportunities. We are open to making transactions under other contract types (EEI, ISDA, etc.) depending on the product.

Contact AlbertaEx

Ben Lucky
Manager, Power Marketing
Phone: (403) 267-8015

Credit & Counterparty Enabling
John Chow
Credit & Risk Manager
Phone: (587) 777-5618

Community & Government Relations
Dustin Owens
Director, Government Relations
Phone: (403) 200-6885